Net neutrality reloaded zero rating, specialised service, ad blocking and traffic management
Direito, Ensino e Pesquisa

This Report is the 2016 outcome of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN). The Report gathers a series of case studies on a variety of net neutrality issues from the perspective of different stakeholders. The double purpose of this report is to trigger meaningful discussion on net neutrality trends, while providing informative material that may be used by researchers, policy-makers and civil society alike. Researchers, practitioners and policy-makers regularly contribute to the DCNN report, providing a wide range of heterogeneous views. In 2016, Zero Rating was by large the most debated net neutrality issue, as reflected by the considerable number of contributions focusing on the topic within this report. Such high number of analyses on zero rating seems particularly useful to meet the increasing demand of research exploring the pros and cons of price discrimination practices. Furthermore, the report examines other very relevant and discussed topics, such as specialised services, ad blocking and reasonable traffic management, providing useful insight on some of the most recent policy evolutions in a variety of countries.

  • Páginas: 227
  • Data de lançamento:
  • ISBN: 978-85-63265-76-0
Organizador(es) externos
Luca Belli

As manifestações expressas por integrantes dos quadros da Fundação Getulio Vargas, nas quais constem a sua identificação como tais, em artigos e entrevistas publicados nos meios de comunicação em geral, representam exclusivamente as opiniões dos seus autores e não, necessariamente, a posição institucional da FGV. Portaria FGV Nº19 / 2018.

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