Platform regulations: how platforms are regulated and how they regulate us
Estado e Sociedade

This book is the Official 2017 Outcome of the UN IGF Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility (DCPR), which is a multistakeholder group fostering a cooperative analysis of online platforms’ responsibility to respect human rights, while putting forward solutions to protect platform-users’ rights. This book offers responses to the DCPR’s call for multistakeholder dialogue, made ever more pressing by the diverse and raising challenges generated by the platformisation of our economy and, more generally, our society. The analyses featured in this book critically explore the human rights dimension of the digital platform debate, subsequently focusing on the governance of personal data and, lastly, suggesting new solutions for the new roles played by online platforms. This volume includes the Recommendations on Terms of Service and Human Rights, which were elaborated through a multistakeholder participatory process, facilitated by the DCPR. In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Recommendations provide guidance for terms of service that may deemed as “responsible” due to their respect of internationally agreed human rights standards.

  • Páginas: 248
  • Data de lançamento:
  • ISBN: 978-85-9597-014-4
Organizador(es) externos
Luca Belli
Nicolo Zingales

PREFACE by David Kaye..................................................................................................................................... 9
PREFACE by Julia Reda........................................................................................................................................ 13
ABOUT THE AUTHORS......................................................................................................................................... 17
1 Online Platforms’ Roles and Responsibilities: a Call for Action........... 25
Luca Belli and Nicolo Zingales

PART I: Exploring the Human Right Dimensions........................................................................ 39
2 Law of the Land or Law of the Platform? Beware of the
Privatisation of Regulation and Police.................................................................. 41
Luca Belli, Pedro Augusto Francisco and Nicolo Zingales 
3 Online Platform Responsibility and Human Rights.................................. 65
Emily B. Laidlaw
4 Regulation by Platforms: the Impact on Fundamental Rights........... 83
Orla Lynskey
5 Fundamental Rights and Digital Platforms in the European Union: 
a Suggested Way Forward................................................................................................ 99
Joe McNamee and Maryant Fernández Pérez

PART II: Data Governance.................................................................................................................................125
6 Hiding in Plain Sight: Right to be Forgotten and Search Engines
in the Context of International Data Protection Frameworks.............127
Krzysztof Garstka and David Erdos
7 Data Ownership in Platform Markets......................................................................147
Rolf H. Weber
8 What Legal Framework for Data Ownership and Access? 
The French Digital Council’s Opinion.....................................................................163
Célia Zolynski, on behalf of the French Digital Council

PART III: New Roles Calling for New Solutions..........................................................................173
9 Regulation at the Age of Online Platform-Based Economy:
Accountability, User Empowerment and Responsiveness ..............175
Marc Tessier, Judith Herzog and Lofred Madzou
10 Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism Online: 
What Role for Social Media Platforms? ...............................................................189
Krisztina Huszti-Orban
11 Revenue Chokepoints: Global Regulation by Payment
Intermediaries .................................................................................................................................213
Natasha Tusikov

12 Recommendations on Terms of Service & Human Rights.......................229

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