This volume explores the Value of Internet Openness in Times of Crisis, and is the official outcome of the Coalitions on Net Neutrality and on Community Connectivity of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum. This work stems from the consideration that the COVID-19 pandemic has harshly highlighted the fundamental importance of Internet access, and the total exclusion that the unconnected face in times of crises. Internet connectivity, has now emerged as the backbone of all social, political and economic interactions along with services during the Covid-19 pandemic. The current crisis brings to light that digital infrastructures play an essential role, shaping our development. The sustainability of such development relies on Internet openness and this book offers an ample range of perspective exploring why it is more crucial than ever to guarantee that Internet stays a smooth-running, open, and accessible common good.
- Autor(es): Luca Belli Nikhil Pahwa, Osama Manzar
- Páginas: 152
- Data de lançamento:
- ISBN: 978-65-86060-11-9
Internet Lessons from COVID19
Vint Cerf
Internet Openness toward Digital Sustainability
Sébastien Soriano
COVID-19: A Harsh Reminder that Open Internet Access and Meaningful Connectivity are Necessary
Luca Belli, Osama Manzar and Sarah Farooqui
1 - Meaningful Connectivity: Advancing the Open Internet during COVID19
Dhanaraj Thakur, Teddy Woodhouse, and Sonia Jorge
2 - COVID-19 and the Value of Internet Openness: The European Experience
Frode Sørensen
3 - Bridging India’s Digital Divide during COVID-19 Requires a Comprehensive Strategy
Apar Gupta and Sidharth Deb
4 - Net Neutrality in India: From Rules to Enforcement
Smriti Parsheera
5 - Net Neutrality in India: Ensuring openness amidst the Crisis Smriti Parsheera
6 - Access as a Human Right
Rolf H. Weber
7 - Russia during COVID-19: Information Warfare, Digital Passes and Digital Protest
Anna Orlova and Andrey Shcherbovich
8 - Innovative Spectrum Approaches for Internet Openness in South Africa
Senka Hadzic, Pablo Aguera, Alison Gillwald
9 - Open Internet Governance: The 6F Framework and COVID-19
Alejandro Pisanty
10 - Beyond Connectivity: Networks of Care
LocNet Team
11 - Community Network in Latin America: Unleashing Openness through Self-determination
Luca Belli, Carlos Baca, Erik Huerta and Karla Velasco
12 - Context and Response of Community Networks to COVID-19 in Latin America
Karla Velasco and Daniela Parra
13 - Open Internet Is Always an Inclusive Quality Internet
Amali De Silva-Mitchell
14 - COVID19 and the Importance of Building Trust in the Internet
Nikhil Pahwa
15 - Internet Openness and Covid-19: Community Networks and their Importance to Foster Openness in India Ritu Srivastava and Osama Manzar
Internet Openness for an Open Internet Governance
Anriette Esterhuysen