Stricto Sensu


FGV Direito Rio
Rio de Janeiro
Stricto Sensu

In-Depth Research

The Program allows doctors to deepen their knowledge through Post-Doc studies in Law and Regulation.

FGV Rio Law offers a CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education) Post-Doc Scholarship within the scope of its National Post-Doc Program (PNPD/CAPES) and the selection of voluntary Post-Doc internship offers linked to the Graduate Program in Law and Regulation (PPGD).

The FGV Rio Law National Post-Doc Program aims to:

  • promote high-level studies;
  • strengthen the research groups developed at FGV Rio Law;
  • promote the inclusion of Brazilian and international researchers in a Post-Doc internship;
  • encourage integration between FGV Rio Law research and teaching activities; and
  • identify potential professors for FGV Rio Law.

The statements provided by staff members of Fundação Getulio Vargas, which inform their identification as such, in articles and interviews published in the media in general, exclusively represent the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the institutional position of FGV. FGV Regulation No. 19/2018.

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