
Undergraduate Studies

FGV Direito Rio
Rio de Janeiro
Undergraduate Studies

A new look at the law

The undergraduate program offered by FGV Rio Law is unique, whether in its methodology, the skillset of the professors, or the experiences and opportunities provided. The quality of the program is evident: its pedagogical approach was approved by the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) and the MEC (Ministry of Education) with the maximum grade in all aspects.

At FGV Rio Law, students develop critical thinking, argumentation skills, and creativity, acquiring a broad view of the legal issues, with solid academic and practical foundations. We train much more than professionals of law; we create active citizens and future leaders capable of making a difference in society.


Overall average of OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) approval per class graduated


Employment rate in the Private Area


Employment rate in the Public Area


Employment rate in Academia


Employment rate in Selection Processes

Nota 5 ENADE
Selo OAB
iso 9001

Varied and rich experiences

Undergraduate students have several international opportunities: exchange programs at renowned universities worldwide, competitions abroad, classes and lectures by international professors, events in different countries, and disciplines in other languages.

Seja aluno

Quer se tornar um estudante da FGV Direito Rio e ter acesso a todos os benefícios que a escola pode lhe oferecer? Veja aqui como fazer parte.

Our students are future leaders who carry the FGV brand

With an innovative curriculum, FGV Rio Law gives students the freedom to make choices that will help define the direction of their own education. During the five-year course, they have numerous international opportunities, they can participate in student associations, carry out monitored activities during the holidays, and integrate research initiations. In addition, there is great support from the school to help students with professional placement and assist them with various issues.


Undergraduate law degrees awarded by 2023


Student entities


Agreements with renowned international universities


International students come to study at FGV Rio Law every year


OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) approval rate per class graduated


A world of knowledge

FGV Rio Law's international initiatives make it possible for students from different countries to exchange experiences, fostering a rich cultural coexistence and deepening their legal knowledge through exposure to diverse legal systems.


Já imaginou poder conhecer de perto a FGV Direito Rio e ter acesso aos diferenciais de fazer sua faculdade em uma instituição que é referência no Brasil e no mundo? 

Agende sua visita para fazer um tour guiado pela nossa Escola. Na ocasião, você poderá conhecer pessoalmente a infraestrutura disponível para nossos estudantes, tirar suas dúvidas e conversar com a equipe da Graduação sobre grade curricular, corpo docente, oportunidades internacionais, metodologia de ensino e os demais diferenciais da FGV Direito Rio.

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The statements provided by staff members of Fundação Getulio Vargas, which inform their identification as such, in articles and interviews published in the media in general, exclusively represent the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the institutional position of FGV. FGV Regulation No. 19/2018.

High contrast