Rômulo Silveira da Rocha Sampaio
Work regime: Full-time

PhD in Environmental Law from the Pace University. LL.M. in Environmental Law from the Pace University. Bachelor and Master of Laws from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR). Professor of Law in the Undergraduate Program, and permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program in Law and Regulation at FGV Rio Law. Lecturer on Infrastructure Law and Regulatory Law in the LL.M. Program at FGV Rio Law . Assistant Professor at the Pace University in New York. Visiting Professor at the Georgia State University College of Law in Atlanta. He leads the Research Group on the Regulation of Urban, Natural, and Technological Sustainability in the CNPq Research Group Directory under the scope of FGV Rio Law, and also acts as Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Environmental Regulatory Law. He has experience in the area of law, with an emphasis on environmental law, working mainly in the following areas of sustainability, environmental governance, climate change, and water law.

The statements provided by staff members of Fundação Getulio Vargas, which inform their identification as such, in articles and interviews published in the media in general, exclusively represent the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the institutional position of FGV. FGV Regulation No. 19/2018.

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