Field Projects

The undergraduate course of FGV Rio Law offers mandatory practical curricular activities for students from the 1st to the 5th term, called Field Projects.

The Field Projects focus on the theory and practice of communication, allowing students to engage with current legal and social issues. Based on concrete legal challenges, students apply theoretical models learned in class to the development of products and the proposal of solutions.

Field Projects are developed in groups of 4 to 8 students, who are supervised by undergraduate professors or academic assistants with academic and professional expertise in different areas of Public and Private Law.

Every six months, the FGV Rio Law undergraduate course hosts an event to showcase the results of the fieldwork. This event is highly esteemed by the academic community, who selects the best works based on the quality of the products created and the impact in legal, cultural, social, and technological areas, fostering the exchange of knowledge and the interdisciplinary exchange between law and society.

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