International learning opportunities
The students of FGV Rio Law are constantly encouraged to gather experiences in other countries, which enhances both their academic education and personal development: technical training, curriculum qualification, learning new languages, experiencing different cultures, and contact with foreign legal systems.
With top-quality partner universities, the exchange program offers opportunities in other countries as well as within Brazil.
In order to help students who are planning for this endeavor, there are several initiatives carried out by the students themselves, who share the routine challenges faced during their international experience.
Exchange program
Public Notice
The next registrations open at the end of January.
A large number of students of FGV Rio Law participate in exchange programs around the world, which allows them to grow both personally and professionally.
Agreements with renowned international universities
Agreements with Brazilian universities
Exchange students per year
Countries reached
Brazilian States reached
Exchange students since 2008

Yale Linkage Program
FGV Rio Law is part of a select group of schools chosen to carry out exchange programs with the renowned Yale Law School, one of the most prestigious universities in the USA, with five US presidents and several Nobel prize winners within their esteemed alumni community.