Community Networks as Enablers of Human Rights

The authors of this book are (in alphabetical order): Carlos Baca, Luca Belli, Senka Hadzic, Erik Huerta, Lee W.McKnight, Ronaldo Neves de Moura Filho, Niels ten Oever, Raquel Rennó, and Karla Velasco.
This book is the Official 2022 Outcome of the Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF). DC3 is a multistakeholder group, fostering a collaborative analysis of community networks (CNs), exploring how such initiatives can improve and expand connectivity while empowering Internet users.
As the DC3 has demonstrated over the past seven years, community networks represent an important complementary strategy that can foster not only connectivity but also sustainability and the full enjoyment of human rights. CNs are crowd-sourced collaborative networks, developed in a bottom-up fashion by groups of individuals – i.e., communities – that design, develop and manage the network infrastructure as a common resource. Hence, CNs are connectivity initiatives managed according to the governance models established by their community members, in a democratic fashion, and may be operated by groups of self-organised individuals or entities such as non-governmental organisations (NGOs), local businesses or public administrations.
CNs should not be considered as a competing or antagonistic model either to the state or to the market. On the contrary, they should be seen as a particularly interesting complementary solution to fill the existing connectivity gaps. All previous DC3 publications can be found at

  • Authors: Luca Belli
  • Senka Hadzic
  • Pages: 64
  • Launch date:
  • ISBN: 9786586060461

1. Community networks: recent Brazilian institutional approach in the national and international levels
Ronaldo Neves de Moura Filho

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Community networks in Anatel’s agenda and synergies
1.3 Steps towards an international level of promotion of community networks
1.4 Conclusion
1.5 References


2. Community Networks: A Powerful Complementary Strategy to Bridge Digital Divides Sustainably
Luca Belli and Senka Hadzic

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Community Networks: Towards Sustainable Connectivity
2.3 Technical Implementation
2.4 Conclusion
2.5 References

3. Community Networks as Human Rights Enablers
Senka Hadzic, Luca Belli, Niels ten Oever, Raquel Rennó, Erik Huerta, Carlos Baca, Karla Velasco and Lee W. McKnight

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The case for community networks
3.3 International legal framework for community networks
3.3.1 Rights Related to Universal Access to ICT
3.3.2 Rights Related to the Free Development of the Personality and to Collective Self-determination
3.3.3 The Rights of Indigenous Peoples
3.3.4 Ethical Treatment of Community Network Users Data
3.4 International Recommendations and Commitments
3.5 Additional rights-based approaches
3.6 Challenges to the adoption of a human rights approach and limitations of the economic and developmental approach
3.7 Conclusion
3.8 References

4. 5G, Community Networks, Standardization, and the Human Rights to Science and Technological Self Determination
Niels ten Oever

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Principles of Communication Networks
4.3 Shifting Principles
4.4 Resurgence of the Telecommunications Paradigm
4.5 Private 5G networks
4.6 Community Networks and 5G
4.7 Community Networks and the Human Right to Science
4.8 Conclusion
4.9 References


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