Center for Technology and Society

Impact of technological progress on society

The Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV) studies the legal, social, and cultural implications of the advancement of information and communication technologies. CTS-FGV conducts research on Internet Governance and Digital Transformation, Data Protection and Cybersecurity, Regulation of Digital Platforms, the Governance of Digital Infrastructures,  Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science.

CTS-FGV is committed to transparency, democracy, fundamental rights, inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination, as well as to the preservation of the public interest in technological progress. These values are embedded in all CTS-FGV projects.


O projeto parte da consideração de que, na próxima década, o crescimento projetado da Internet deverá ocorrer predominantemente na Ásia, América Latina e África e, particularmente, nos países do BRICS. O próximo bilhão de usuários da internet, junto com a inovação e os dados que eles produzirão e as políticas de que precisarão, provavelmente virão dos BRICS. À luz dessa consideração, os países do BRICS estão aumentando sua cooperação nas áreas de ciência e tecnologia e promovendo sinergias com relação às políticas digitais.

The Data and AI Regulations research group organizes regular meetings to discuss topics related to the regulation and governance of personal data and artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on the Brazilian and international scenarios. With regard to the national scenario, the group focuses mainly on the practices and policies of digital platforms and generative AI services, among others, to comply with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), mapping good practices and deficiencies in the implementation of the regulation's contours and indicating ways to more effectively comply with the law. With regard to the international scenario, the group aims to analyze, in particular, the regulation of international data transfers and the comparison of data and AI governance and regulation models in Latin American countries and the BRICS bloc. The group's meetings are held weekly and are based on the discussion of a documentary and bibliographic corpus defined in advance. The group's aim is to produce inputs for better implementation of personal data protection regulations and to encourage the definition of effective AI regulatory frameworks. In this sense, the results of the research developed within the group aim to positively impact the activities of both private actors and regulatory authorities such as the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) and other control bodies.



The study group “Digital Safety: Hate Speech, Captivism, Gender, Racial and Ethnic Political Violence Online” is a project of the Diversity and Inclusion Program (PD&I) in partnership with the Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV), coordinated by professor Yasmin Curzi, and supervised by researcher Giullia Thomaz. The group discusses good practices for creating and preserving more democratic and inclusive virtual environments and looks at issues such as hate speech, gender disinformation, political violence against women, racialized people and people of diverse sexualities, among other issues pertinent to maintaining democracy in the online environment.



This project aims to build a series of criteria, metrics and risk indicators for compliance with the LGPD for e-commerce companies, based on a broad survey of case law. The material will also be used to support the proposal for a private insurance system to reinforce care and foster the growth of a data protection culture in the country. The results will provide an opportunity to publish an academic article and a dissemination article, both under the guidance of the project coordinator, and will be discussed at at least two events with experts, authorities and public policy makers: the annual CPDP LatAm conference (cpdp.lat) and the E-commerce Studies Center



The project studies the promises and challenges of ex ante regulation of digital markets, as opposed to ex post action by the competition agency. In this sense, it seeks to assist regulators in designing a regulatory framework geared towards the peculiar characteristics of digital ecosystems, and towards a more holistic approach that protects the various actors that act interdependently in the context of digital platforms and ecosystems.



The project studies the mechanisms for content moderation and governance on digital platforms, particularly identifying the challenges in the electoral context and proposing recommendations for a constitutional interpretation of the laws that aim to regulate the actions of digital platforms in relation to third-party content.



O projeto “Mídia e Democracia” é uma iniciativa da Escola de Comunicação, Mídia e Informação da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI), em colaboração com a Delegação da União Europeia no Brasil, com o objetivo de fortalecer a democracia brasileira, garantir a integridade dos espaços digitais e promover a qualidade da informação. A parceria também envolve o centro alemão de análise de debates públicos, Democracy Reporting International (DRI). O projeto se concentra em três áreas principais de trabalho: monitoramento e análise da mídia digital, checagem de fatos e estabelecimento de um Conselho composto por pesquisadores, membros da sociedade civil, representantes do governo e partes interessadas em plataformas digitais.

In 2022, the Ministry of Health and the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) launched an initiative to standardize data sharing between supplementary health service providers in Brazil. It's called Open Health. 

Inspired by data sharing experiences proposed by bodies in other regulated markets, such as Open Finance, developed by the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), the proponents of Open Health aim to stimulate competition between supplementary health service providers and improve the quality of services in this sector. It is assumed that reducing information asymmetry between agents in this market will try to make services more efficient and stimulate the development of solutions that benefit the population.

 The project seeks to establish an overview of transparency in relation to content moderation on social media platforms in Brazil. More specifically, it aims to (1) map the existing transparency obligations applicable in the context of social media platforms operating in Brazil and (2) assess whether the application of these obligations has resulted in significant transparency in content moderation practices.

To do this, we reviewed the transparency commitments of the ten most downloaded social media apps in Brazil, assessing the extent to which they are aligned with international standards. We then identified the main criticisms and suggestions made in Brazil to improve the existing framework, with a special focus on the issues raised in the context of elections and disinformation. We presented our preliminary findings at Rights Con 2023 with the aim of raising awareness and collecting feedback, and consolidated them into a final draft by September 30.

Atlantic Dialogues on Technology and Regulation

Call for Papers

The call for papers for the Atlantic Dialogues on Technology and Regulation 2025 will focus on Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection, Cybersecurity, and Digital Platforms.

Public Notice

CTS-FGV Visiting Professors Programme

FGV Rio Law received applications for the first edition of the CTS-FGV Visiting Professors Program, organized by the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) and the Graduate Program, as part of the Fellows in Rio initiative.



  •  Arthur Sadami

​Master's degree (2024, cum laude) and law degree (2019) from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Researcher at the Center for Research on Competition, Public Policy, Innovation and Technology (Comppit) at FGV Direito SP, at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) at FGV Direito Rio and at the Economic Power and Crisis of Democracy Group (GPED) at Cebrap.

  • Beatriz Costa

​Master degree in Civil Law from the Faculty of Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2024). Graduated in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2019). Partner at Marcelo Cristiano Advogados. Researcher in the field of civil law, with a focus on data protection, contracts and consumers, and in the field of technology, she researches neurolaw, cryptoassets and artificial intelligence. She was a writer and assistant editor of the newsletter Blockchain Uncomplicated. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Civil Law (ABDC). Mentor of the Academic League of Private Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ.

  • Bianca Kremer

​PhD in Law from PUC-Rio (2021). Master's in Constitutional Law from UFF (2016). Bachelor of Laws from UFRJ (2013). She is currently an undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer in lato-sensu Digital Law at the Brazilian Institute for Teaching, Development and Research - IDP (2021 - present). Researcher at the Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS - IDP), and research coordinator for the IDP Privacy Lab project: LGPD panel in the Courts. Visiting professor at the Center for Technology and Society of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - CTS/ FGV Direito Rio (2023). Professor at the Infnet Institute on the MBA in Information Security Management (2019 - present). Member of the Legalite Center - PUC-Rio (2018 - present). Member of the Brazilian Institute of Civil Liability Studies - IBERC. Former Research Fellow at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) at the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (Coimbra Group scholarship - 2016). Author of the book Algorithms, Racial Biases and the Law, published by Lumen Juris (in press). She has experience in the areas of Civil Law, General Theory of Private Law and Digital Law, working mainly on the following topics: privacy and data protection, artificial intelligence, algorithmic biases, internet governance, Afro-diasporic thinking and decoloniality.


  • Daniel Dore Lage

​Master's student in Regulatory Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - Direito Rio (RJ). Postgraduate (lato sensu) in Digital Law at Faculdade CERS. Postgraduate (lato sensu) in Urban and Environmental Law from PUC Minas.Postgraduate (lato sensu) in Public Law from PUC Minas. Postgraduate (lato sensu) in Criminal Sciences from the Law Faculty of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2013). He was a professor on the Lato Sensu postgraduate course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC Minas between 2017 and 2019Consultant in personal data protection and privacy since 2020. Certified Information Privacy Technologist by IAPP (CIPT). Certified Data Protection Officer and Chief Information Security Officer by EXIN (DPO | CISO). Technology student.

  • Diogo Manganelli


​Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2016). Postgraduate in Business Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC-MG (2018). Master's in Law and Innovation from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF (2020). PhD student in Civil Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2023-2027) Lawyer in Digital Law and Personal Data Protection. Volunteer researcher at the Legal Grounds Institute. Member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), with CIPM, CDPO/BR and CIPP-E certifications.

  • Erica Bakonyi


Lawyer and DPO-as-a-service, with experience in projects of compliance with privacy and data protection legislation for the consulting companies "Arquitetura Educacional" and "Macher Tecnologia". Researcher at FGV Direito Rio, at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS). Mentor in the data protection area ("LGPD and Compliance") at AB2L. Co-coordinator of MyData BR and Legal Hackers Rio. Master in Public and European International Law from Coimbra University. Specialist in "Tenders and Administrative Contracts". MBA in Information Security Management (in progress), at Infinet.

  • Fernanda Martins

​Master's Degree in Regulatory Law and a Law Degree from the Rio de Janeiro School of Law of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV Direito Rio). She has experience as a lawyer and researcher in Administrative and Regulatory Law, with a focus on Regulatory Agencies. She works with Educational Regulation and Evaluation at FGV Direito Rio.

  • Fernando Naegele

​Master in Regulatory Law from FGV/RJ. Specialist in Business Law from CEPED/UERJ. Law degree from IBMEC. Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society at FGV/RJ. Has experience in the area of Commercial Law, working mainly on the following topics: protection of personal data, cryptoassets, contracts, intellectual property and antitrust.

  • Gabriel Tajra

​Graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo with merit for academic excellence and “Summa Cum Laude” Degree Thesis (2016-2020), with an exchange program to Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2020), during which time he attended the international law winter course at the Hague Academy of International Law (2020). Co-Founder of the USP Arbitration and Mediation Center (NucAM-USP) and the USP Antitrust and Regulatory Studies Center (NEAR-USP). Lawyer at Advocacia Del Chiaro.

  • Gabrielle Graça de Farias

​Bachelor of Law from the Brazilian Institute of Development and Research (IDP). Lawyer. Advisor at Article 19 Brazil and South America. Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro (CTS-FGV Rio). Member of the Legal Center of the Obinrin Badu Association. Researcher in the Constitution, Business, and Market Study Group (GECEM/UnB). Cultural producer and photographer.

  • Giovanna Milanese

Lawyer with extensive experience in litigation and strategic consulting in Digital Law for national and international clients, with a focus on data protection, security incident management, regulatory (ANPD) and atificial intelligence. She has published two books: “The processing of publicly available personal data and the limits imposed by the LGPD” (2022) and “Data Protection Course: Fundamentals of the LGPD” (2022). She is a researcher at the Center for Technology and Society at FGV Direito Rio (CTS-FGV), the Laboratory for Governance and Regulation in Artificial Intelligence (LIA-IDP) and the Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS-IDP).

  • Giovanni Malta



​Bachelor's degree in Social Communication with a major in Advertising from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society at FGV Direito Rio (CTS-FGV) and the CyberBRICS Project. Previous experience at the Laboratório de Publicidade Expandida (Expanded Advertising Laboratory) at UFRJ. Also worked in collaboration with the UK-based NGO Words Heal the World for the Youth Production Network project. And his research primarily focuses on platforms, algorithms and AI within the context of social media.

  • Giullia Marques 

Imagem colorida de Giullia Marques

Bachelor in International Relations (PUC - Rio) and currently a Master’s student in Sociology & Anthropology at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences (IFCS) at UFRJ. Has experience as a research assistant in the area of public policies, having done scientific initiation at the Núcleo de Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento (NPD - PUC Rio). Currently a volunteer coder at the "COVID-19 Response Tracker" (OxCGRT) of the Blavatnik School of Government, for Oxford University and part of “Laboratório de Estudos Digitais” (LED - UFRJ) as a researcher of digital imagery mediation in the context of international conflicts. With multidisciplinary research interests, has already worked in the following themes: urban studies, family planning programs and the aesthetics of conflict.

  • Guilherme Mucelin

Researcher, graduated in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Specialist in the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, “The New International Law”: Public and Private International Law and Integration Law; Specialist in the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, “Consumer Law and Fundamental Rights”; Specialist in “Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law”, at IMED. Specialist in “Droit Comparé et Européen des Contrats et de la Consommation”, Université de Savoie Mont Blanc/France and Master's Degree from the Graduate Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CAPES Scholarship), in Private Law. PhD in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CAPES Scholarship), with a doctoral internship at the New University of Lisbon/Portugal (CAPES Scholarship). He is currently a post-doctoral student at the Fluminense Federal University and an advisor to the Personal Data Protection Committee of the Rio de Janeiro Public Prosecutor's Office.

  • Henrique Balzan

​Master’s student in Constitutional Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Alumni of the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute 2024. Lawyer with a degree in Law from UFMG. Fellow of the Youth Brazil 2022 Program at CGI.br. Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) at FGV Direito Rio, working on the Digital Ecosystems Regulation and Governance project.

  • Laise Barbosa

​Master's student in the SPILS Program at Stanford University (USA). Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) at FGV Direito Rio and the Information Society Law Center (ISLC) at the University of Milan, Italy. Holds a Master’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), with a visiting research period at the University of Graz, Austria. Graduated in Law from the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). Has gained research experience in various roles, including at the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) and the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). Researcher in the fields of law and technology, internet governance, digital platforms, and human rights.

  • Leandro Rebelo​​​​​​​

​He has an under bachelors degree in Law from FGV Rio and is currently studying for a Master's degree in Law at PUC-RJ. He works as a researcher at FGV's Center for Technology and Society (CTS).


  •  Marina Giovanetti

​PhD candidate in Civil Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Former Research Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute. Holds a Master’s degree in Law and Innovation from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Graduated in Law from UFJF, with an academic exchange period at the Università degli Studi di Camerino. Researcher in the Platform Governance project (CTS/FGV) and at the Legal Grounds Institute.

  • Natalia Couto

Natália Couto is a PhD candidate and holds a Master’s degree in Regulatory Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV Direito Rio). She completed her LLM in Law, Innovation, and Technology at FGV Direito Rio, where she also served as a teaching assistant. She specializes in contracts and compliance and is a graduate of the Rio de Janeiro State Magistrates School (EMERJ). Natália is a guest lecturer at FGV, where she teaches the course Social Network Regulation. Her research focuses on the regulation of new technologies, cybersecurity, and digital platforms. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Brazilian Cybersecurity Network and also practices as a lawyer.

  • Rodrigo Dias de Pinho Gomes

PhD and Master in Civil Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Visiting researcher at the European University Institute - San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy. Professor of the Extension Course in Law and New Technologies and General Data Protection Law at PUC-Rio.

  • Rubens Catenhede