New technologies have brought significant changes to online commerce, impacting business models and competition among companies in Brazil and the world.
This scenario is justified by the increasingly prominent position of e-commerce in the market, combined with the development of automation of warehousing, dispatch, and industrial production processes. These phenomena lower costs and make companies more efficient and competitive. On the other hand, e-commerce is facilitated by the success of social media and the development of the data economy, allowing new forecasting techniques and even the creation of consumer demands.
Examples of the exploration of new technologies in this sense include using algorithms to determine, personalize, and dynamize prices, as well as other practices that influence consumer choice.
In addition to these matters that can be considered from the perspective of economic analysis of law and the protection of privacy and consumer rights, one should distinguish competition and industrial policy issues d. In this context, it will be necessary for the government and the private sector in Brazil to define a vision of prioritization between price benefits and other other values, such as the quality and experiences of online consumers, privacy, cultural diversity, and the existence of a plurality of players in a competitive market.
Project Objectives
This project aims to develop an impact analysis concerning the technological and social innovations that characterize e-commerce from the three-fold perspective of antitrust law, personal data protection, and consumer-protection law. The matters addressed in this research point to new structures and dynamics favored by e-commerce and issues of adapting current rules to guarantee consumer well-being of s, taking into account not only the risks but also the enormous potential of new business models.