About the EU-South American School on Global Governance
The EU-South American School on Global Governance was an activity promoted by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence (CEJM) at FGV, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program. With the institution of the Center of Excellence, the highest academic degree awarded by the European Union, FGV has the seal of the EU to offer courses that will address the European Union's practices in global governance and its relevance to South America, as well as a variety of topics in the Center's three main areas of research: Global Regulation; Global Litigation; and Human Rights and Democracy.
On the first set, lectures focused on Global Regulation more specifically on the multi-level decision-making system, networks and regulatory reforms, including specialized modules in specific policy areas such as telecommunications, taxation, Internet governance, environmental and health. In the second set lectures elaborated on “Global Litigation”, the mechanisms for resolving regional and sub-regional disputes in the EU and South America and challenges in international jurisdiction from a comparative perspective will be addressed. In the third set 'Human rights and democracy', selected topics included the promotion of global public goods and the interests of the international community, international legitimacy and accountability, judicial dialogue, among others.
In addition to professors from FGV Direito Rio, the EU-South American School on Global Governance course, over the three years of its inception, has relied on the collaboration of experts from institutions in countries such as Belgium, Italy, Holland, France and the United Kingdom, in addition to the European Parliament. The São Paulo Law School, the School of International Relations (FGV RI) and the Center for Prospecting and International Intelligence (FGV NPII) also integrate the institutional body of the project.
enrolled students
international professors
The EUSAS course is part of the EU's objective of stimulating teaching, research and reflection on topics related to European integration in higher education institutions inside and outside the organization. The course will focus on the Global Governance mechanisms of the EU and in South America.
The EUSAS course is targeted at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students from FGV and other universities, as well as specialized professionals like public policy makers, civil servants and the public in general.