



Webinar | EU-Brazil Conference on AI Governance and Regulation

06/02 - 12:00 às 14:00
Evento passado

Sobre o Evento

This international event aims at exploring challenges and opportunities regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance and regulation at a time when both the European Union and Brazil are elaborating legislative proposals to regulate comprehensively AI. Participants will explore the latest development in Artificial Intelligence policymaking offering their perspectives and highlighting intersections between AI and key areas such as trade, data protection, and promotion of innovation, addressing how cooperation can be strengthened in the short and medium term. 


The event will be livestreamed and held in English. There will be no simultaneous translation available. 

AI in EU and Brazil: Shared Goals but Different Paths (45 min)

Maria Buzdugan - Counselor for Digital Market, Delegation of the European Union to Brazil
Miriam Wimmer - Directress, ANPD (Brazilian Data Protection Agency) 
Luigi Gambardella - President EUBrasil
Luca Belli - Professor FGV Law School, Coordinator CTS-FGV   

AI Governance and Regulation: Towards EU-Brazil Convergence? (60 min)

Juha Heikkilä - International Adviser for Artificial Intelligence in the European Commission  
Laura Schertel Mendes - Professor, IDP and Directress, CEDIS   
Eduardo Magrani - Professor, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 
Andrea Renda - Professor, European University Institute, Researcher at CEPS
Nina da Hora - Researcher, CTS-FGV
Claudio Villar - Head of Product, Data Science & Supply at Hostelworld Group

Chaired by: 
Luca Belli - Professor FGV Law School, Coordinator CTS-FGV   
Luigi Gambardella - President EUBrasil

As manifestações expressas por integrantes dos quadros da Fundação Getulio Vargas, nas quais constem a sua identificação como tais, em artigos e entrevistas publicados nos meios de comunicação em geral, representam exclusivamente as opiniões dos seus autores e não, necessariamente, a posição institucional da FGV. Portaria FGV Nº19 / 2018.

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