During the project lifetime and by means of different types of activities and an innovative approach of including a diverse audience, the Centre will be able to strategically impact a wide audience of Brazilian and international undergraduate and postgraduate students, professors, researchers, practitioners, public administrators, civil society representatives, and the general public interested in the topics covered by its key activities.
By allowing an active interaction between undergraduate, postgraduate and international students and established professionals, the initiative generates numerous benefits for its participants, such as the promotion of interdisciplinary approaches, the development of critical thinking, the improvement of analytical skills and the opportunity to expand their network. The activities offered by the FGV Centre of Excellence will prepare its students for their professional insertion in a global labour market, where there is a growing demand for individuals capable of navigating different legal systems within a new world order, composed of non-state actors, non-traditional legal sources and international and regional practices on Global Governance.
The activities of the Centre are open to students, lawyers and academics of different fields of knowledge and degrees of education from renowned higher education institutions in all Brazilian regions and states and in other countries from Latin America and Europe. The FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence will also benefit from a large scale of students coming from the FGV’s faculties and research centres, such as such as the Law Schools from Rio and São Paulo and the Schools of International Relations, Social Sciences, Economics and Finance, Public and Business Administration and Applied Mathematics. These students possess a high educational level, which presents an opportunity for tiered dynamics and peer group interaction.
The Blog of the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU-South America Global Governance (A) and the Centre's social networks on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram (B) are an essential part of the strategy to impact and disseminate the activities conducted at the Centre.

Blog of the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU-South America Global Governance
The Blog of the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU-South America Global Governance aims to integrate technology into legal education, with a focus on the field of International Law and to democratize access to discussions on relevant topics of International Law held at a global level, as well as to engage students and other actors in the academic community in dialogue. Thus, the 'blogging' method was chosen, which allows students to interconnect skills from different areas of knowledge beyond law - such as programming, content management, and the exercise of 'design thinking'. Our goal is to launch a permanent platform on International Law that democratizes content and engages actors from the academic community in studies conducted at a global level.
Social Networks
The FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU-South America Global Governance has a virtual presence on social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, where we post periodic updates on ongoing activities and projects.