Observatory of the Criminal Justice System
Em andamento
Início do projeto

The Observatory of the Criminal Justice System is a project dedicated to monitoring the state and precedents of Brazilian high courts in criminal law through mixed research methods. The research is carried out by the analysis of writs of habeas corpus decided by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice and the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court in order to identify pressing issues that may present relevant challenges for the judicial system due to its high volume.

The research team collects multiple relevant variables to allow the identification of the main challenges in criminal law currently before the Judicial branch. It also aims to collect other variables to establish a database for other stakeholders to investigate issues they might be interested in, either from a legal or quantitative and data oriented standpoint.

This project is a collaboration of CTS with the Center for Justice and Society (CJUS)

Objetivos do projeto

This project goal is to identify issues that might be generating a high volume of cases in the Brazilian criminal justice system. By focusing on writs of habeas corpus, it allows a focus on questions of law, as  it is the main instrument for establishing judicial rules in the Brazilian legal system.

However, the sheer volume of cases brought before these courts present a barrier for justices, policy makers, and academia to have a clear view of the general system. The analysis enabled through computational and statistical tools will allow for a clear picture of the repercussions of current criminal policy in Brazil.

The Observatory will publish periodic reports analyzing current and past issues in the criminal jurisprudence. These will integrate a quantitative analysis, with a qualitative lens to guide policy discussion and identify relevant themes in the justice system.

Research Team
Principal Investigator - Thiago Bottino (CJUS)
Lead Researchers: José Luiz Nunes (CTS), Fernanda Prates Fraga
Team Managers: Aline Lordelo; Fabiana Lima; Maria Carolina Rodriguez; Maysa Carvalhal; Rogério Sganzerla; Tássya Moura

Associate Researchers: Alana Tostes; Amanda Biancovilli; Ana Clara Brito Conde; André Marinho; Anna Iza Maia Leutwiler Tauil; Antonio Bernardo Beraldo Francischetti; Antonio Falcão; Antônio Ritter Pondé; Arthur Henrique do Amaral; Beatrice Fonseca; Beatriz Morgan; Brenno Nascimento Pinto; Bruna Simões; Cecilia Lobo; Clara Novais de Moraes; Daniel Porto; Eduardo Marques Fernandes; Enzo Augusto Bittencourt Lopes Leite de Oliveira; Fernanda Pina Siqueira Campos de Oliveira; Haiane Olivieri Barcellos Stockinger; Hiago Mendes; Isabella Marins; Luca Cechinel; Luiz Otávio Marques Ramires Pinto; Maria Salomé Albuquerque Santos; Mariane Felix Gomes; Marina D´avila Garcez Dias; Natália Lucero Frias Tavares; Nayara Souza; Pedro Vitor Oliveira; Poliana Schnaider; Renata Martins; Riquelme Araújo; Rudá Ferreira Pinto de Oliveira; Tamara dos Santos Ramos; Vitoria Flor Abrantes;

As manifestações expressas por integrantes dos quadros da Fundação Getulio Vargas, nas quais constem a sua identificação como tais, em artigos e entrevistas publicados nos meios de comunicação em geral, representam exclusivamente as opiniões dos seus autores e não, necessariamente, a posição institucional da FGV. Portaria FGV Nº19 / 2018.

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