International Business Transactions

FGV Direito Rio
Rio de Janeiro
International Business Transactions

Who is eligible?

Corporate Lawyers, Legal Department Lawyers, Business Court Judges and Arbitrators.

Requirement: intermediate level of proficiency in English.


Enable attorneys-at law to (1) understand the core legal and business aspects of sophisticated business transactions, (2) participate in the structuring of such deals and the drafting of the respective contracts or corporate statutes, (3) develop strategies for the resolution of disputes that may arise in the aftermath of deal making.  


  • Choice of vehicles (partnership, limited liability companies or corporations) that are suitable for the structuring of cross-border or domestic deals (e.g., financing and execution of infrastructure or energy projects)
  • Structuring a joint venture
  • Choice of the applicable law (comparing Brazilian, New York, English, Swiss, and German contract law)
  • The relevance of international standards (e.g., accounting) and transnational laws (e.g., CISG and UNCITRAL Principles on Contract law)
  • The basic architecture of sophisticated business contracts
  • Economic rational of business transactions (specifically tools used to shapedirectly and indirectly risk allocation)
  • Share purchase agreements (private M&A)
  • Pricing of privately held corporations
  • The acquisition of listed stock corporations (public M&A)
  • Project financing (specifically term loan contracts and off-take agreements)
  • Financing and refinancing of investments (corporate bonds and securitization)
  • Private Equity Funds
  • Initial Public Offerings (IPO)
  • Cross-border listings (American and Brazilian Depositary Receipts)
  • Resolution of disputes that emerge in the aftermath of business transactions (mediation, dispute boards and commercial arbitration) and (16) transnational insolvency. 


This course will be offered in English.

The course will be taught basically by Professor Sester, who will from time to time invite a specialized guest lecturer.

Registration is carried out through the application link by sending the form and paying the amount .

Completing the application form is the sole responsibility of the candidate.

- The digital certificate will be issued for participants who have a minimum attendance of 75%.

- The coordination of FGV DIREITO RIO reserves the right to cancel the course that does not reach a minimum number of subscriptions.

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