Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement

About the Rio CRIDS

The Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement is designed to address issues in sub-regional, regional and international dispute settlement before international courts and tribunals, international arbitration and conflict mediation in particular the participation of the European Union in international courts and tribunals. 

The Rio CRIDS is a high-level intensive programme, aimed at promoting specialised education to prepare academics and practitioners to work with international dispute resolution before international courts and tribunals, international arbitration and mediation of conflicts.

It aims to foster a dialogue between theory and practice of public and private international dispute settlement mechanisms and to reach a wide-range of students, including academics from various fields of knowledge, practitioners, members of international organizations, international courts and arbitral institutions, local and state-level policy-makers, civil servants and representatives of the civil society.

The Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement will take place between February 12, 2025 to May 28, 2025 (on Wednesdays), from 3.50 pm to 5.30 pm (GMT-3 hours), at the FGV’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo, 190).

The Rio CRIDS offers students the opportunity to learn from globally renowned lecturers and practitioners on the main practice fields in international dispute settlement and arbitration. By combining theory and practice methodology, the Course’s curriculum proposes a North-South critical view on current approaches to international dispute settlement and its relevance to international law. 

The Rio CRIDS aims to reach a wide-range audience composed of graduate and undergraduate students, academics from various fields of knowledge, legal practitioners and experts, public administrators, civil society representatives, and the general public interested in the topics covered by the course. 

By allowing an active interaction between academics and practitioners, the Rio CRIDS generates numerous benefits for its participants, such as the promotion of interdisciplinarity, the development of critical thinking, the improvement of analytical skills and the opportunity to expand their network.

The course is taught via participative and expository lectures and incorporates a variety of teaching resources. Selected issues will be discussed in group debates and there will be comparative case law analysis. The course demands student’s constant participation. In short, the main teaching methods are: (i) case law analysis; (ii) sentence’s analysis; (iii) participatory lectures; and (iv) practical exercises.

Candidates will be informed of the results on January 22, 2025.  Please check your email inbox and follow the instructions given in order to complete your enrollment for the course in case of approval. 

Please follow our social networks in which we will announce new courses and events organized by the Centre of Excellence. 

This application procedure is not applicable to FGV Rio undergraduate students as well as to FGV Rio Law stricto sensu postgraduate students (Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu da FGV Direito Rio – PPGD) who must enrol via “Aluno Online” Platform. 

In order to be eligible to apply for the Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement, the applicant must have: 

  • At least an undergraduate degree or an ongoing undergraduate degree from a higher-education institution. 
  • English language proficiency. 
  • A Curriculum Vitae or Lattes, containing the applicant’s academic and professional experience.  
  • The application for the Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement is divided int three steps: application, selection and enrolment.
  • Applications will be available until 23h59 of January 13, 2025 and consist of completing the virtual form, including CV attachment (in PDF format). Incomplete applications will not be accepted on the platform.
  • The Course Coordination will carry out the selection process and will assess all complete applications by evaluating their overall quality. There will be no appeal or complaint regarding the decision of the selected candidates.
  • Students who are approved in the selection process will receive information regarding the enrolment procedure by the e-mail registered at the time of enrolment.

The Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement is free of charge.

30h of Complementary Activity will be granted and the virtual certificates of conclusion, with the support of the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ programme, will be delivered by e-mail after the end of the course. 

Request for information about the application and all communications for those interested in the course will be made by email to cejm.direitorio@fgv.br.

As manifestações expressas por integrantes dos quadros da Fundação Getulio Vargas, nas quais constem a sua identificação como tais, em artigos e entrevistas publicados nos meios de comunicação em geral, representam exclusivamente as opiniões dos seus autores e não, necessariamente, a posição institucional da FGV. Portaria FGV Nº19 / 2018.

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