Sérgio Guerra


Work regime: Full-time

Visiting Researcher at Yale Law School. Holds a Post-Doc in Public Administration from the Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (FGV/EBAPE). PhD in Economic Law from the Universidade Gama Filho (UGF). Master of Laws from the Universidade Candido Mendes (UCAM). Full Professor of Administrative Law and Dean of the Rio de Janeiro Law School of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Rio Law). Yale University Ambassador in Brazil. Editor of the Revista de Direito Administrativo (RDA). Member of the State Coordination for Brazil-China Relations of Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB-RJ). He has professional experience of over 35 years, focusing on administrative, regulatory, and environmental law, working mainly on the following topics: regulatory agencies, regulation of public services, infrastructure and economic activities, contracts and administrative processes, PPP, arbitration, and public administration control. Author of several books and legal articles.

The statements provided by staff members of Fundação Getulio Vargas, which inform their identification as such, in articles and interviews published in the media in general, exclusively represent the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the institutional position of FGV. FGV Regulation No. 19/2018.

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