A new look at the law
The undergraduate program offered by FGV Rio Law is unique, whether in its methodology, the skillset of the professors, or the experiences and opportunities provided. The quality of the program is evident: its pedagogical approach was approved by the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) and the MEC (Ministry of Education) with the maximum grade in all aspects.
At FGV Rio Law, students develop critical thinking, argumentation skills, and creativity, acquiring a broad view of the legal issues, with solid academic and practical foundations. We train much more than professionals of law; we create active citizens and future leaders capable of making a difference in society.

An innovative way to learn
No student who enrolls in the undergraduate program at FGV Rio Law is the same, and no one has the same professional goals. Based on this premise, our curriculum is divided into two stages. The first stage, taken full-time, provides solid basic training in all essential areas of law combined with the practical disciplines (field projects). The second stage, taken part-time, is entirely dedicated to elective disciplines, so that students can be the best professionals in the area of law they desire. In this second stage, students can actively participate in their own education by specializing in professional tracks, enjoying additional training, or completing disciplines abroad.
Overall average of OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) approval per class graduated
Employment rate in the Private Area
Employment rate in the Public Area
Employment rate in Academia
Employment rate in Selection Processes

Professors: Our true legacy
The faculty of FGV Rio Law is one of the main reasons for making the school a reference in Brazil and the world. Teaching professionals are renowned PhD holders, masters, and researchers who combine academic knowledge with market experience. Thus, students enjoy the best of both the theoretical and practical world, being fully prepared for the challenges in their future careers.

FIELD Project
Real-life learnings
Field Projects are academic activities that enable students to develop practical skills, in a multidisciplinary way and with an impact on the external community. Here, the student learns to solve real problems in projects related to the disciplines of the course.

FGV Rio Law Mentorship program
Academic mentoring seeks to establish dialogue and guidance between student and professor, researcher, or former student inserted in the labor market, for the joint planning of actions that seek the maximum achievement of the course, personal satisfaction, and expansion of professional career prospects.

Experience in complex and relevant work
The main differential at FGV Rio Law is the legal practice clinics model, through which students handle real and complex cases, supervised by qualified professionals.

Knowledge beyond law
The world is increasingly connected, and professionals need knowledge that goes beyond their field of education, becoming fully capable and prepared for the challenges of the labor market. It is precisely with this focus that FGV Rio Law offers Double Degree and Complementary Education programs to its students.

Varied and rich experiences
Undergraduate students have several international opportunities: exchange programs at renowned universities worldwide, competitions abroad, classes and lectures by international professors, events in different countries, and disciplines in other languages.

A decisive experience to help you choose your school
High School students, from public and private schools, can participate in FGV Rio Law Experience, which aims to introduce the main disciplines of law to those considering going to Law School. The initiative allows students to learn about the school and to have contact with its faculty.

Winter School
A sample of everything FGV Rio Law can offer
The Winter School is aimed at law students from other institutions of higher education, providing an opportunity for students from universities all over Brazil to experience some of the differentials of our program.

ISO 9001
Quality Management System
FGV Rio Law has been awarded the ISO 9001 quality certification for 10 years, provided by BSI and accredited by national and international accreditation bodies to carry out certification services. Thus, the quality of the School has global recognition, as it is validated by INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology Standardization and Industrial Quality) in Brazil, by ANAB (ANSI National Accreditation Board) in North America, and by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) in the United Kingdom. ISO 9001 is the most widely adopted Quality Management System (QMS) in the world and a powerful business improvement tool.
Seja aluno
Quer se tornar um estudante da FGV Direito Rio e ter acesso a todos os benefícios que a escola pode lhe oferecer? Veja aqui como fazer parte.
Our students are future leaders who carry the FGV brand
With an innovative curriculum, FGV Rio Law gives students the freedom to make choices that will help define the direction of their own education. During the five-year course, they have numerous international opportunities, they can participate in student associations, carry out monitored activities during the holidays, and integrate research initiations. In addition, there is great support from the school to help students with professional placement and assist them with various issues.

FGV Rio Law's curriculum is unique, allowing students to have access not only to mandatory teaching of law, but also to several other extracurricular disciplines, which expand their academic education. This is possible thanks to the school's innovative format, which counts on the full dedication of students in the first half of the course and provides total flexibility in the second half.
Undergraduate law degrees awarded by 2023
Student entities
Agreements with renowned international universities
International students come to study at FGV Rio Law every year
OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) approval rate per class graduated

Students connected to a collective cause
Participating in student associations is a way for students from different areas of FGV to unite around an important cause for society, thus complementing the humanistic education offered by the school.

Practical experiences during the holidays
During the vacation period, the students of FGV Rio Law can participate in the Monitored Vacation Activity Program, through which they experience the culture of professional institutions. Whether in a law firm, a company, a public agency, or an NGO, students experience daily legal practice.

A dive into academic life
FGV Rio Law's Research Initiation Program (PIC) is aimed at students who wish to actively participate in research and explore the world of academia.
The program offers Research Initiation scholarships, which can be granted by the CNPq or by FGV itself.

Highest score at ENADE
FGV Rio Law students receive all the necessary support from the school to participate in the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (National Student Performance Exam – ENADE), which assesses, from various aspects, students who are completing their undergraduate courses. FGV Rio Law students have been demonstrating outstanding performance and have achieved the highest score in the Exam.

Undergraduate Collective Bodies
Bodies responsible for the development and application of the Regulations and Pedagogical Project for the undergraduate course

Support at all times
The Pedagogical Support Center (NAP) is a valuable resource for FGV students, offering assistance with individual and group needs, as well as supporting the emotional and intellectual development of students.

Highest score at ENADE
FGV Rio Law students receive all the necessary support from the school to participate in the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (National Student Performance Exam – ENADE), which assesses, from various aspects, students who are completing their undergraduate courses. FGV Rio Law students have been demonstrating outstanding performance and have achieved the highest score in the Exam.

A world of knowledge
FGV Rio Law's international initiatives make it possible for students from different countries to exchange experiences, fostering a rich cultural coexistence and deepening their legal knowledge through exposure to diverse legal systems.
Já imaginou poder conhecer de perto a FGV Direito Rio e ter acesso aos diferenciais de fazer sua faculdade em uma instituição que é referência no Brasil e no mundo?
Agende sua visita para fazer um tour guiado pela nossa Escola. Na ocasião, você poderá conhecer pessoalmente a infraestrutura disponível para nossos estudantes, tirar suas dúvidas e conversar com a equipe da Graduação sobre grade curricular, corpo docente, oportunidades internacionais, metodologia de ensino e os demais diferenciais da FGV Direito Rio.
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